
Callouts provide presentation of content in a visually distinct manner. Includes a heading, icon and typically text-based content.

Screenshot of component Callout Callout


import { Callout } from '@blueprintjs/core'
<Callout title="Configuration Check" intent="primary">
Before saving, make sure all settings are correct.


Callouts have configurable intent settings. The default icon will match the intent specified, unless overriden.

Screenshot of component Callout with-default-intent
Screenshot of component Callout with-primary-intent
Screenshot of component Callout with-success-intent
Screenshot of component Callout with-warning-intent
Screenshot of component Callout with-danger-intent
<Callout title="warning intent" intent="warning">
You should remember to wear a warm jumper


Add, or override, the icon by specifying the name of the icon as a string.

Screenshot of component Callout with-icon
<Callout title="Read before use" icon="pulse">
Ensure the alert timeout setting is valid