Get in touch

We're a new company that takes feedback and feature requests to heart.

Always happy to help solve tricky technical issues, review code, and help build your UI.

About Electric UI

While working on personal projects, and for engineering design firms, a common roadblock would often appear - we need a quick and cost-effective way to interact with prototype hardware products. Solutions included terminal interfaces, configuration files on SD cards, or spending long evenings hacking additional features onto a 'quick python script'.

Occasionally this tooling escaped the lab into the hands of end-users or other engineers, many of which used different kinds of computers in some very harsh environments!

The IoT movement has produced some great fleet management and data collection solutions, but falls short when it comes to user-experience. We also know from experience that many industrial and low-volume products aren't a good fit for cloud systems or even wireless networking.

Electric UI aims to improve the user-facing tools available to engineers, designers, and scientists of any skillset who need to interact with embedded systems.

The Team

We're passionate about solving complex problems with programming, and enjoy deep discussions about product design and film photography. Read what we've written below:

Made with love in South Australia