
Popovers provide a floating overlay for interactive content and layouts, typically triggered by a button press.

Screenshot of component Popover basic


Popover's require a target element to trigger the display, and content to draw in the overlay area.

The ordering of the wrapped components is strict. The trigger component (such as a button) is specified first, followed by the <Content> </Content> which wraps the layout drawn in the overlay.

This example inlines a small layout in a <div>.

import { Popover } from '@blueprintjs/core'
import { Button as BlueprintButton } from '@blueprintjs/core'
import { Button } from '@electricui/components-desktop-blueprint'
<BlueprintButton large>Validate System Performance</BlueprintButton>
<div style={{ padding: '20px' }}>
<h3>Test duration (minutes)</h3>
<Slider.Handle accessor="cycle_duration" />
<br />
<Button large fill intent="primary" callback="start_cycle">
Begin Self-Test

Position Control

The position of the Popover relative to the trigger can manually controlled with the position property.

By default, the Popover will be automatically positioned to fit in the available area.

This prop accepts the positions as strings or with enum values after importing Position.

Screenshot of component Popover with-position
<Popover position="right">
import { Position } from '@blueprintjs/core'
<Popover position={Position.RIGHT}>

Positions include the side of the trigger, and alignment to an edge.


Interaction Controls

The Popover open and close behaviours can be specified for hover or click invocations using the interactionKind property specified as a string, or as a PopoverInteractionKind enum.

import { PopoverInteractionKind } from '@blueprintjs/core'
<Popover interactionKind={PopoverInteractionKind.HOVER}>
<Button text="Open" />
<div> ... </div>
Opens when cursor is hovering over the target
Closes once cursor leaves the target OR the popover
Opens when the cursor is hovering over the target
Closes when the cursor leaves the target
Opens when target is clicked
Closes when any next click occurs
Opens when target is clicked
Closes when target is clicked

Hover Interaction Delays

When using a Popover with a hover style interaction, the animation and interaction can cause usability issues:

  • User drags cursor over and past the element, making the popover flicker
  • User has trouble holding the cursor on the trigger reliably
  • Content in the popover needs time to draw or execute logic

The hoverCloseDelay and hoverOpenDelay props accept Number inputs in milliseconds which shifts the start of the open/close animation.

<Popover hoverCloseDelay={100} hoverOpenDelay={20} />

Minimal Style & Animation

The popover arrow can be removed, and the animation simplified for faster workflows.

Screenshot of component Popover with-minimal
<Popover minimal />

To control the animation, the transitionDuration prop accepts a Number in milliseconds specifying how long the open/close animation takes to complete.

<Popover transitionDuration={50} />