
Progress Bars provide a visual display method for progress or percentages in a range.

Screenshot of component ProgressBar with-default-intent


import { ProgressBar } from '@electricui/components-desktop-blueprint'
<ProgressBar accessor="motion_progress" min={0} max={100} />


The intent property allows you to change the colour. The default is none.

Screenshot of component ProgressBar with-default-intent
Screenshot of component ProgressBar with-primary-intent
Screenshot of component ProgressBar with-success-intent
Screenshot of component ProgressBar with-warning-intent
Screenshot of component ProgressBar with-danger-intent
<ProgressBar accessor="startup_prog" min={0} max={100} intent="none" />
<ProgressBar accessor="startup_prog" min={0} max={100} intent="primary" />
<ProgressBar accessor="startup_prog" min={0} max={100} intent="success" />
<ProgressBar accessor="startup_prog" min={0} max={100} intent="warning" />
<ProgressBar accessor="startup_prog" min={0} max={100} intent="danger" />


Stripes provide a cosmetic distinction, and animate by default.

Screenshot of component ProgressBar stripes
<ProgressBar accessor="motion_progress" min={10} max={40} stripes />


Disable animated stripes by setting the animate property to false.

<ProgressBar accessor="motion_progress" animate={false} />