Plot two datasources against each other for 2D charts.
In situations where the signal's property needs to be plotted in relation to another variable, a 2D chart might make more sense than a LineChart
Instead of using a normal LineChart
and RealTimeDomain
, we provide a TimeSlicedLineChart
and RealTimeSlicingDomain
which are designed to process and render data on the x and y axis simultaneously.
Both variables need to be in the same DataSource. Refer to the DataSource guide to combine different messages.
import { ChartContainer , TimeSlicedLineChart , RealTimeSlicingDomain , VerticalAxis , HorizontalAxis , } from '@electricui/components-desktop-charts'import { useMessageDataSource } from '@electricui/core-timeseries' const OverviewPage = () => { const accelDS = useMessageDataSource ('accelerometer') return ( <React .Fragment > <ChartContainer > <TimeSlicedLineChart dataSource ={accelDS } accessor ={(data , time ) => ({x : data .acc_x ,y : data .acc_y })} /> <RealTimeSlicingDomain window ={1000} /> <VerticalAxis /> <HorizontalAxis /> </ChartContainer > </React .Fragment > )}
The full set of LineChart
supported formatting controls are still available with a TimeSlicedLinechart:
Chart readability improves when less data is 'stored' onscreen, especially when used with noisy sensor data.
By specifying a Fog
component, older data fades out. This is achieved under the hood by configuring a shader based on the near and far planes of the ChartContainer
orthographic camera.
import { Fog } from '@electricui/components-desktop-charts' <Fog color ="#fff" />
By default, connection acceptability (boolean
) is used to create gaps in the TimeSlicedLineChart
. This is a more accurate representation of the data.
To manually control continuity behaviour, the continuitySource
prop accepts a Datasource
of boolean
type where a true
describes a break in continuity, and false
describes a return to continuity.
A 'hole' will be inserted at the time of the break, and no data will be drawn until continuity is restored.
<TimeSlicedLineChart dataSource ={accelDS } accessor ={(data , time ) => ({x : data .acc_x ,y : data .acc_y })} continuitySource ={imuHealthDS }/>
To opt-out of default continuity behaviour, pass null
<TimeSlicedLineChart dataSource ={accelDS } accessor ={(data , time ) => ({x : data .acc_x ,y : data .acc_y })} continuitySource ={null}/>
allows typical accessor syntax to use members of a structure as the flag.
The blankingTrigger
property accepts a DataSource. Any Event on this DataSource will wipe the internal store of data, resulting in a blank/empty line.
This can be used clear previous results in longer running test-bench usecases, or can be rapidly invoked to provide oscilloscope style redraw behaviour.
Accessor usage is not currenty supported.
Batch Ingestion
The batch ingestion API can be used to ingest an array of points stored in a single event. It is an advanced API that also allows for full chart blanking and the injection of continuity breaks during event processing.
When the API is used, the
APIs are both disabled.The
, andblankTrigger
APIs may still be used.
The default continuity source will both inject continuity breaks and halt ingestion of events (including into this batch API) unless explicitly disabled. Similarly the blankTrigger
will continue to blank the chart.
The batchIngestion
API calls the provided function with the arguments: (data: T, time: number, api: BatchAPI, helpers: BatchAPIHelpers)
per event.
The api
argument contains three properties:
takesx, y, z, r?, g?, b?
arguments and adds a point to the line. If the RGB information is not supplied, the default color will be used. The helper object contains astaticColor
API described below.addContinuityBreak
inserts a gap between any previous or future points on the line. It does not halt data ingestion.blank
wipes all data currently held in the chart.
The helpers
object contains a staticColor
helper that can be used as a preallocated scratch space for working with colors.
import { Colors } from '@blueprintjs/core'import { ChartContainer , TimeSlicedLineChart , RealTimeSlicingDomain , VerticalAxis , HorizontalAxis , } from '@electricui/components-desktop-charts'import { useMessageDataSource } from '@electricui/core-timeseries' const OverviewPage = () => { const circleData = useMessageDataSource <{x : number; y : number}[]>('circle') return ( <React .Fragment > <ChartContainer > <TimeSlicedLineChart dataSource ={circleData } continuitySource ={null} // optionally disable the default continuity source lineWidth ={3} color ={Colors .GOLD3 } batchIngestion ={(data , time , tags , ingest , blank , staticColor ) => { blank () staticColor .set (Colors .GOLD3 ) for (let index = 1; index < data .length ; index ++) { const prev = data [index ] const curr = data [index ] // Inject a hole after every 3 points by skipping an insertion if (index % 3 === 0) { continue } ingest ( prev .x , prev .y , curr .x , curr .y , staticColor .r , staticColor .g , staticColor .b , 1, staticColor .r , staticColor .g , staticColor .b , 1, ) } }} /> <RealTimeSlicingDomain window ={1000} xMin ={-8000} xMax ={8000} yMin ={-8000} yMax ={8000} /> <VerticalAxis /> <HorizontalAxis /> </ChartContainer > </React .Fragment > )}