Creating custom components

Create custom components to build modular UI building blocks, abstract functionality, and improve your project's organisation.


The simplest way to define a component is to write a function that returns more components.

function HelloWorld() {
return <h1>Hello world</h1>

These can shorten to implicitly returning arrow functions if desired.

const HelloWorld = () => <h1>Hello world</h1>

Components simply return other components. Composability is the name of the game, not inheritance.

const Hello = () => <span>Hello</span>
const World = () => <span>World</span>
const HelloWorld = () => (
<Hello /> <World />

Components can take props:

interface GreetingsProps {
name: string
const Greetings = (props: GreetingsProps) => (
<div>Hello {}! Welcome to the world.</div>

Components are simply pure functions. Control flow is possible.

interface GreetingsProps {
name: string
const Greetings = (props: GreetingsProps) => {
let greeting = 'Hello'
if ( < 5) {
// short names get short greetings
greeting = 'Heya'
if ( < 3) {
// shorter names get shorter greetings
greeting = 'Hi'
return (
{greeting} {}! Welcome to the world.

Using your component

You must export your component for it to be usable outside the file you created it in.

interface GreetingsProps {
name: string
export const Greetings = (props: GreetingsProps) => (
<div>Hello {}! Welcome to the world.</div>
export const SecondComponent = () => (
<div>Second component to demonstrate exporting multiple</div>
export const ThirdComponent = () => (
<div>Third component to demonstrate importing a subset of components</div>

They can then be used elsewhere, this example shows an import from a file Otherpage.tsx which is in the same folder as MyComponents.tsx.

import { Greetings, SecondComponent } from './MyComponents.tsx'
const Page = () => (
<Greetings name="Tim" />
Some inline text here.
<SecondComponent />