Configurable strings

Before releasing your software, you should make sure you've fully customised the various strings which are presented to users.

The Electric UI template has most of these strings set to placeholder values.

Application Metadata

In package.json in the root of the user-interface project, a series of common metadata fields are defined (and some additional ones can be added).

These strings are used on some OS targets to sort programs in a list, provide publisher/author details, and populate information alongside uninstal entries.


By default, this field will be set to your Electric UI account email address.

This can also include email address information and/or URL if desired:

"author": "Jane Doe <[email protected]> (",

This information will be used on Windows for the Copyright field when viewing the application properties.


A short sentence describing what the software does. This is displayed to users in some situations to provide additional context to the program's intended behaviour.

For example: "description": "AwesomeCo Product3000 configuration tool",

This field is displayed in the Windows application properties page, and can also be found on some Linux distros.

Window Title

In src/window-manager/index.tsx the title for the application is set per-window.

Modify the title string in the const window = new BrowserWindow({ ... }) section to override this string.

About this Application

This applies to macOS specifically.