Buttons allow for click based interaction with devices.

To determine what to write to the device, Button's have a writer
prop that takes a functional writer.
A writer that sets the bright
variable to 255
. The contents (children) between the <Button> </Button>
tags render inside the button.
import { Button } from '@electricui/components-desktop-blueprint' <Button writer ={state => { state .bright = 255 }}> Set brightness to 255</Button >
A writer that sets the rgb
messageID to a red colour.
<Button writer ={state => { state .rgb = { r : 255, g : 10, b : 10, } }}> Set RGB to red</Button >
A writer that sets the randfloat
messageID to a random float between 0 and 1 each click.
<Button writer ={state => { state .randfloat = Math .random () }}> Send random number</Button >
When calling a hardware callback function, use callback
with the messageID instead of a writer.
<Button callback ="estop" > Disable All</Button >
Add the noAck
boolean prop (or set it to true), to disable automatic acknowledgement when a click has occured.
Intent Colours
The intent of the button allows you to change the colour.

<Button intent ="success">Button with success intent</Button >
Minimal Styling
Buttons can have minimal styling. Minimal buttons look like text with no frame or styling, on click they look like this:

<Button minimal >Button with minimal styling</Button >
Outline Styling
Buttons also support an outlined
<Button outlined >Button with outline styling</Button >
Large and Small, Fills
Control the size of the buttons with the large
and small

<Button large >Button with large sizing</Button >
<Button >Button with default sizing</Button >
<Button small >Button with small sizing</Button >
A button will fill it's container with the fill

<Button >Default Button</Button >
<Button fill >Button with Fill</Button >
Buttons can join to create command palletes or menu-like clusters. Buttons in groups accept the same set of properties applicable to standalone buttons.

import { ButtonGroup } from '@blueprintjs/core'import { Button } from '@electricui/components-desktop-blueprint'
<ButtonGroup > <Button intent ="primary">Blue Pill</Button > <Button intent ="warning">Red Pill</Button ></ButtonGroup >
Groups can draw vertically with the vertical

<ButtonGroup vertical > <Button >Ascend</Button > <Button >Maintain Altitude</Button > <Button >Descend</Button ></ButtonGroup >
and rightIcon
allow for an Icon
to be integrated inside the Button.
Use either IconNames or the string name.