Embedded Example Projects

Hardware examples using electricui-embedded, basic examples and projects covering several vendor toolchains.

EcosystemTested Chipset/FamilyExample
ArduinoATMEGA328, ATMEGA32U4, MEGA2560, SAMD21, ESP32, NRF52840, Teensy 3.2/3.5Example sketches
3-axis HX711 load cell viewer with Feather M0Firmware and Interface
SAMD21E18 based helloboard USB stickGithub Repo
Sparkfun AS7265x Triad Spectrometer breakout demoGithub Repo
Aputure LS300DII DMX controller UIGithub Repo
STSTM32F407 DiscoveryCubeMX and CLion IDE basics
STM32F407 DiscoveryBidirectional DMA UART with LL
STM32F407 Discoveryxsens MTi IMU library demo
STM32F429 Custom PCBMechanics, PCB, Firmware, Interface - Delta Robot Project
EspressifESP32Event driven UART example (IDF)
ESP32DRAFTED - Websockets example (IDF)
Raspberry Pi PicoRP2040pico-sdk C example with UART
RISC-VSiFive Freedom E310DRAFTED
Texas InstrumentsMSP430TODO
TM4C123GXL LaunchpadTODO

As the electricui-embedded library is platform agnostic C, it should work on most C and C++ targets without changes, and only needs minimal integration effort.

If you have a particular platform you'd like an example created/tested, get in touch!