
Use DataSourcePrinter to render Dataflow stream values.

Screenshot of component DataSourcePrinter example


DataSourcePrinter is different from the standard Printer component - instead of subscribing to the state tree, it receives updates directly as the DataSource emits events.

Use it to display transformed data, query results, and alongside interactive charts as a legend.

Screenshot of component DataSourcePrinter basic
import { DataSourcePrinter } from '@electricui/components-desktop-charts'
import { useMessageDataSource } from '@electricui/core-timeseries'
const OverviewPage = () => {
const sensorDS = useMessageDataSource('temp')
return (
<DataSourcePrinter dataSource={sensorDS}/>

Standard accessor syntax allows for selection of specific member fields in the DataSource. A null can be returned to set the DataSourcePrinter to its defaultValue.

Screenshot of component DataSourcePrinter accessor
accessor={data => data.humidity}
/> %RH


The accessor should only be used for picking particular pieces of data out of the event.

The formatter prop can be used for formatting that data as a string. Using the JSON.stringify method, object events can be printed as strings directly. This can be useful as a debug tool when working with complex Transformers.

Screenshot of component DataSourcePrinter stringify
formatter={data => JSON.stringify(data)}

Authoritative Domain Binding

By default, the DataSourcePrinter will query data with the domain that has the longest window length.

This can be set to a specific domain with the domainID prop on each DataSourcePrinter component.

{/* */}
<RealTimeDomain window={5000} domainID="primary" />
{/* */}
<RealTimeDomain window={10000} domainID="secondary" />

Alternatively, a DomainWrapper can be used to set the authoritative domain for a group of components. The DomainWrapper must include the chart providing the domain. In the example below, both DataSourcePrinters will use the primary domain.

<DomainWrapper domainID="primary">
{/* */}
<RealTimeDomain window={5000} domainID="primary" />
{/* */}
<RealTimeDomain window={10000} domainID="secondary" />
<DataSourcePrinter dataSource={sensorDS} />
<DataSourcePrinter dataSource={tempDS} />

Reducing the update rate

The limitUpdateRate prop accepts a number of milliseconds to wait between renders. It will always eventually render the latest data. By default, this is set to the update rate of the screen.

limitUpdateRate={100} // update at 10Hz, at most.


Placeholder Text

The defaultValue prop accepts a string to display when no value has been received.

The defaults to a blank string.

Screenshot of component DataSourcePrinter placeholder-text
<b>Without defaultValue:</b>
<DataSourcePrinter dataSource={dataSource} />
<b>With defaultValue:</b>
<DataSourcePrinter dataSource={dataSource} defaultValue="Sensor Error" />


Like the normal Printer component, the precision property accepts a number to specify the number of decimal points.

The default precision for floats is two decimal places.

This only applies to values typed as number. It is ignored if the formatter prop is set.

Screenshot of component DataSourcePrinter precision
<DataSourcePrinter dataSource={tempDS} precision={0} />
<DataSourcePrinter dataSource={tempDS} precision={1} />
<DataSourcePrinter dataSource={tempDS} precision={2} />
<DataSourcePrinter dataSource={tempDS} precision={4} />
<DataSourcePrinter dataSource={tempDS} precision={8} />


Pass CSS to the inline span element with style.

fontSize: '4em',
fontWeight: "bold",
color: Colors.RED2

The style can be set dynamically based on the event with styleAccessor. The defaultStyle is used when either no data has been received, or a null has been passed by the accessor.

accessor={(data, time, tags) => data.closest}
fontSize: "4em",
fontWeight: "bold",
color: Colors.GRAY3
styleAccessor={(data, time, tags, accessed: number) => {
if (accessed > 90) {
return { color: Colors.RED3 }
} else if (accessed > 50) {
return { color: Colors.ORANGE3 }
} else {
return { color: Colors.BLUE3 }