
Dropdowns provide compact selection of pre-set state configurations.

Screenshot of component Dropdown basic


The parent Dropdown properties specifies the controlled variable, and the 'collapsed' placeholder text for the button.

Screenshot of component Dropdown collapsed

Child Dropdown.Option elements provide control over the expanded options list. Each Option specifies it's selection value, along with formatting controls for a string and icon.

Screenshot of component Dropdown expanded

The underlying behaviour is identical to a RadioGroup.

import { Dropdown } from '@electricui/components-desktop-blueprint'
<Dropdown accessor="led_blink" placeholder={() => 'Blink Control'}>
<Dropdown.Option value={1} text="Blinking" />
<Dropdown.Option value={0} text="Manual" />

The order of the child Dropdown.Option components sets the ordering in the rendered dropdown.

For structured data, normal accessor syntax applies.

placeholder={() => 'Blink Control'}
writer={(state, value) => {
state.led_blink = value
<Dropdown.Option value={1} text="Blinking" />
<Dropdown.Option value={0} text="Manual" />

In situations such as mode selection, it's acceptable to read the mode status from one ID, and write the selection 'request' to a different one.

Formatting Placeholder

The placeholder text displayed on the collapsed dropdown element can be heavily styled by providing the placeholder property.

This shows the selected mode while collapsed, or provides a call to action to switch modes.

The placeholder string renders until the user selects an option, after which the Dropdown.Option text overrides it.

Screenshot of component Dropdown placeholder-unset
Screenshot of component Dropdown placeholder-set
placeholder={selectedOption =>
selectedOption ? `Mode: ${selectedOption.text}` : 'Select Mode'
<Dropdown.Option value={1} text="Blink" />
<Dropdown.Option value={0} text="Manual" />

Optionally, customise the placeholder behaviour by providing a function which accepts the selected object properties, and return a string.

Screenshot of component Dropdown placeholder-unset-func
Screenshot of component Dropdown placeholder-set-func
placeholder={selectedOption =>
selectedOption ? `Mode: ${selectedOption.text}` : 'Select Mode'
<Dropdown.Option value={1} text="Blink" />
<Dropdown.Option value={0} text="Manual" />

To display a constant string regardless of the selected option, the placeholder can return a constant string.

<Dropdown accessor="call_action" placeholder={() => 'Action Options'}>
<Dropdown.Option value={1} text="Blink Five Times" />
<Dropdown.Option value={0} text="Blink Ten Times" />

Formatting Options

Style the selectable options by providing the label property with text, or passing a React component to the labelElement property.

The element renders to the right of the option.

Screenshot of component Dropdown format
// No Label
<Dropdown.Option value={0} text="None" />
// Descriptive Label
<Dropdown.Option value={1} text="Autodetect" label="I2C" />
// Icon
labelElement={<Icon icon="small-cross" color={Colors.RED4} />}
// Print eUI strings
<Printer accessor="can_m" />: <Printer accessor="can_r" />
Mb/s <Icon icon="small-tick" color={Colors.GREEN4} />
// Any legal UI components will also work
width: '140px',
maxWidth: '90px',
marginLeft: 'auto',
paddingTop: '0.4em',
<ProgressBar accessor="progress" intent="warning" />


The popoverProps property on the Dropdown parent allows for repositioning of the expanded content.

Under the hood, dropdowns use Popover, which means minimal specifies if a handle renders, and the position is also developer controllable.

Screenshot of component Dropdown horizontal
placeholder={() => 'Jog Speed'}
popoverProps={{ position: 'right', minimal: false }}
<Dropdown.Option value={10} text="Crawl" />
<Dropdown.Option value={80} text="Jog" />

The position property accepts string "right" or enum Position.RIGHT arguments as described in the Popover Position Control documentation.